The Academy Awards hit rock bottom with its Sunday night disaster, bringing it into line with the rest of US awards – with audiences having grown tired of the woke sermons and politics that increasingly dominate such shows. Apr. 26 The 93rd Academy Awards ceremony, honoring the best films of 2020, was held on April 25, 2021 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California just a day before the Full Moon in Scorpio. The Sun-Moon axis straddles the square from Saturn in Aquarius to Venus- Uranus in Taurus which is significantly aligned with the horizon. With Venus conjunct Uranus (change) square Saturn (stasis) , a force of disruption challenges our ideas about things we may have valued. Erin Sullivan refers to Venus as the elegantiae arbiter – the arbiter of taste. Venus stands guard against that which will poison us or render us outmoded. Venus-Saturn-Uranus are times when our taste changes. In Taurus we hold ...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore