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Showing posts from September, 2021

Wisdom comes with age

  Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only by struggle and toiling thine utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. Wisdom cometh to all her children even as they cometh unto wisdom. The Emerald Tablet As we get older, we find it increasingly difficult to have the right words ready at the right moment ¬- even though our vocabulary actually grows continuously over the course of our lives. Until now, it was unclear why this is. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the University of Leipzig have now found out: It is the networks in the brain that change their communication over time. This makes them more inefficient. Sep. 2 The annual eclipses carry deep messages that are best understood in places where they align with the angles. The Total Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 fell on the meridian at Leipzig. The eclipse Sagittarius Moon was placed in the 4 th ...

The Harsh Truth Behind Europe’s Energy Crisis

Europe’s energy crunch is continuing, as gas storage volumes have shrunk to 10-year lows. A possible harsh winter could lead to severe energy shortages and possible shutdowns of large parts of the economy. Eclipses become active at least three months prior to their actual occurrence. Presented  here is the chart for the upcoming Nov.19  lunar eclipse drawn for Brussels. Notice that the Moon is placed in the 6 th house which in mundane astrology rules “essential supplies or services”. The Moon is conjunct Admetus. Moon: the general public. Admetus: Facing blockages; frustrations; inventory and storage [1]. In a Uranian astrology 45 degree sort we have: Sun=Moon=Apollon/Neptune = Hades/Kronos Apollon/Neptune: the business (Apollon) of oil and gas (Neptune) Hades/Kronos: to see incidents where laws or authoritative action   “just makes things worse”. Notice that the Pluto in Capricorn is square the MC.     When selfish amb...

Norway to end coronavirus-related restrictions

  OSLO, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Norway will reopen society on Saturday, the government said, ending its coronavirus-curbing restrictions, which have limited social interaction and hobbled many businesses. The horoscope of a  nation is  an excellent source  for the understanding of  the news. These are often a response to mundane events like  eclipses, transits etc. over the radix positions.  Presented here is the  horoscope of Norway [1]. Notice the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the 10 th house forming a T-square with the Poseidon-Admetus opposition. Admetus-Poseidon: Resistance as obstruction to clarity or new ideas Admetus-Pluto: having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation (with self/others) and experiences a need for return to integrity. Pluto-Poseidon: mental metamorphosis; new ideas create radical change. The Sep.21 Full Moon [28pi] fell within just three degrees of the radix Admetus [...

Merkel Era Ends

  Germans are voting on Sunday   (Sep. 26)   in parliamentary elections that mark the end of Angela Merkel's 16 years in office.   In the last post Draconic Full Moon activates Pluto [1], I wrote: …(for) the Sep.21 Full Moon the   draconic positions of the luminaries were Sun [24cn] – Moon [24cp].   Therefore the draconic Full Moon is activating tropical Pluto which has been hovering around 24 – 26 cp for most of the year. This means that all radix, directed and mundane charts which have Pluto [24-26cp] in a significant position would get a major push from the Full Moon giving rise to radical events. Angela Merkel’s chart as provided by Astro-Databank [2] is reproduced here. The Draconic Full Moon [24cp] and tropical Pluto [24cp] stationing to go direct complete a Grand Cross with Merkel’s T-square Sun-Uranus-Neptune-Admetus aligned with the meridian. With Sun in the 8 th house (death or passing away)...

Draconic Full Moon activates Pluto

  The word draconic comes from the Latin names for the Lunar Nodes: the dragon’s head, or the Lunar North Node, named Cauda, and the dragon’s tail, or the Lunar South Node, named Draconis. Unlike tropical zodiac birth charts, draconic astrology begins with the North Node at zero degrees Aries. Astrologers have discovered that when planets in the   draconic   zodiac conjoin   planets   in the tropical zodiac   the tropical positions are activated   through resonance. As   an example for the Sep.21 Full Moon the   draconic positions of the luminaries were Sun [24cn] – Moon [24cp].   Therefore the draconic Full Moon is activating tropical Pluto which has been hovering around 24 – 26 cp for most of the year. This means that all radix, directed and mundane charts which have Pluto [24-26cp] in a significant position would get a major push from the Full Moon giving rise to radical events. I can think of a few examples but readers are encoura...

Full Moon increases volcanic activity

  Constellation Crater – The Cup   Volcanic activity worldwide is on the increase [1]. The astrological reason for this is the Full Moon. Here the Sun at [28v] is conjunct the star kappa Crateris. About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes: Could the curve of the stars that form the bowl of the Crater, the Cup represent   a volcanic crater? There are more eruptions here than anywhere else in the zodiac! This was the Sun at the notorious eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum; the Moon at the great Vesuvius eruption of 1631 that destroyed 3 cities killing about 18,000; the South Node at the 1727 eruption of Oraefajokull volcano, Iceland   and in 1783 when Iceland’s Mt. Laki split open along an 8 mile stretch: fountains of lava erupted   from dozens of fissures “at a rate surpassing   Niagara Falls”;   Mercury and Uranus aligned with these stars at the stupendous 1883 eruption of Krakatau that killed more than 35,000 and many...

Full Moon at Paris and French anger over submarine deal

    PARIS (AFP) - France on Saturday (Sept 18) accused Australia and the United States of lying in a crisis over a security pact that saw Canberra scrap a contract to buy French submarines in favour of American vessels. "There has been lying, duplicity, a major breach of trust and contempt," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told France 2 television. "This will not do." France’s anger at the scuttling of the submarine deal was dealt with in a previous post [1]. Here we will simply look at the Full Moon chart drawn for Paris. Properly understood it is confirming the deception that France has faced. How so? Well for one thing the Full Moon is significant for Paris since it aligns with the meridian.  Moreover, Sun-Mars on the IC oppose  Moon-Neptune on the MC. About the Mars-Neptune opposition, astrologer Sarah Cochrane writes: A lot of patience and attention will have to be paid to all the essential information in matters that have ...

Why No One Talks About Sweden Anymore?

  Over much of 2020 and into 2021, Sweden was persistently criticized by the media and on Twitter arguments due to comparisons to their neighbors, a standard curiously not applicable to most other countries around the world. Yet as we’ve progressed further into 2021, those same media outlets have suddenly gone quiet as their chosen victors have flailed unsuccessfully against ever increasing outbreaks. The horoscope of Sweden [1] as provided by Astrodienst  is reproduced here.  To examine issues of public health astrologers refer to the 6 th house which usually “indicates  periods of national vulnerability to epidemics and widespread diseases” [2].  Here we have Mars [8sa] conjunct the Sun [15sa]  in the 6 th house.  Directed solar arc Uranus is currently conjunct radix Mars. This combination makes a person want to do his own thing and not bend to what others want him to do. Moreover...

‘Stab in the back’: France slams Australia over move to ditch submarine deal

   France said it had been betrayed by the U.S. after being pushed out of a multibillion-dollar deal to supply submarines to Australia, in a public rupture between NATO allies that is shaping up to be among the most bitter trans-Atlantic disputes of the Biden administration’s first year. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Thursday called the U.S.-backed deal a “stab in the back.” President Biden on Wednesday announced a new security pact with Australia and the U.K. that would include a long-term agreement to build nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. Australia on Thursday confirmed it was withdrawing from the French contract. In this post we shall see how the analysis of national charts can provide clues to the changing relationship between nations. The Ascendant of Australia’s chart[1]  (relocated to Canberra)  is [25ar] . In  the chart of France [2] we notice the TNP Admetus [25ar]  –Black Moon Lilith [25 ar] ...

Evergrande’s Endgame Begins

  It took Evergrande less than a day to go from denying "rumors" of bankruptcy (as per a statement posted on its website earlier today), to confirming that a bankruptcy is imminent.   Sep.13 Mundane astrology (or the astrology of nations) is most revealing when the national chart is studied along with the event charts e.g. ingresses, eclipses, lunations etc.  Presented here is the national chart of China. Here Saturn is in the 8 th house. Among other things Saturn rules buildings, real estate [1]. In the 8 th house it is more specifically associated with losses accompanying financial gambles or high-risk activities [2].  Recall that the New Moon of  Sept. 7 fell right on top of China’s radix Saturn. In a way it was focusing attention to this area. Notice that Saturn makes a hard aspect to the Ascendant [1aq52]…the Sabian symbol for which is: PHASE 302 (AQUARIUS 2°): AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. The emphasis on "unexpected" tends to ...

Biden orders sweeping new federal vaccine requirements

  WASHINGTON (AP) — In his most forceful pandemic actions and words, President Joe Biden on Thursday (Sep.9) ordered sweeping new federal vaccine requirements for as many as 100 million Americans — private-sector employees as well as health care workers and federal contractors — in an all-out effort to curb the surging COVID-19 delta variant. In his Primer of Sidereal Astrology , Cyril Fagan writes: The solar return, by its prominent formations and by angular planets, will show the main trends of the year. Progressions of the solar return have been found to indicate closely the actual date of the event. We would assess the orb of the contact with the angles at some three days. We have already discussed in Chapter X, one method of progression, the solar quotidian. We shall now deal with the other main method of progression, the Progressed Sidereal Solar Return, or PSSR for short. Both these methods are valid and will not be found in contradiction. https://...

Russia finally completes Nord Stream 2

  The final sections of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline have now been welded into place, Moscow’s state energy giant Gazprom has revealed, bringing construction of the underwater link between Russia and Germany to an end. In a statement issued on Friday, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Saint Petersburg-based energy giant, said that "at 8.45am this morning Moscow time, work on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been completed." Sep. 10 In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the   four cardinal signs i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these many astrologers look upon the Capricorn ingress as the most important referring to it as the Annual Chart. Presented is the current Capricorn ingress chart for Moscow, Russia.  The Mars-Pluto-Eris-Zeus T-square is brought to our attention since it is prominently aligned with the horizon. A Mars-Plut...

911 revisited

  AE911 Truth posits: “there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.” As in the natal chart of an individual, an event chart carries seeds of possible future developments. The chart for 911, when supposedly the first plane struck the tower, is shown here. The most significant current progression for this chart is “solar arc MC [6le] is opposite radix Neptune [6aq]’. Neptune is placed in the 4 th house  which refers to the “roots or history” of the event. Transit Saturn about to station on radix Neptune, could reveal previously hidden information. Saturn being the planet astrologers associate with a reality check has the power to clarify muddy waters and provide vital details so far hidden (Neptune). The Sabian symbol for Neptune and th...

State Department Blocks Private Rescue Planes

Several reports began to trickle in over the weekend about planes stuck in Afghanistan which are trying to evacuate stranded Americans and Afghan allies. While a 'senior Congressional source' told CBS News on Sunday that 'the Taliban won't let them leave,' several new sources have come forward to blame the Biden State Department for preventing the flights from leaving earlier in the weekend. Recall that the US Sibly has Neptune in the 9 th house [22vi]  (foreign lands) square Mars [21 ge] in the 7th house (enemies).   The long term transit of Neptune [22pi] opposite its radix position [22 vi] has been completing a T-square with radix Mars [21ge]. A Neptune-Mars transit can span a period of 3 years. If we have been too identified with an image of ourselves as powerful and potent, this transit may force us to realize what it feels like to be adrift and unable to get our lives together or achieve our desired goals. We learn what it feels like ...

China's "Lehman Moment" Approaching

  Just days after Evergrande's bonds hit new all time lows after "China's Lehman" warned that the company with over $300 billion in debt and which many view as systematically important for China, the selloff accelerated further following news of a mini bank run as i) several key creditors demand immediate repayment and ii) as Evergrande bonds are no longer accepted as collateral.   The Evergrande Real Estate Group is China's second-largest property developer by sales, making it the 122nd largest group in the world by revenue, according to the 2021 Fortune Global 500 List. It sells apartments mostly to upper and middle-income dwellers. In 2018, it became the world's most valuable real estate company.  In astrology, Venus is the planet that is associated with the whole issue of values: what it is that we   value, find beautiful or hold dear in life. The value of something   is very often determined by its financial worth. When Venus,...

Breaking The Empire Means Breaking With The Saudis

  Deucalion myth – the flood that destroyed the corrupt To say that Saudi Arabia has been the lynchpin to U.S. foreign policy objectives in the Middle East and central Asia is to engage in massive understatement. For more than fifty years the Saudis have helped prop up U.S. foreign policy by exporting their oil to the world and taking only dollars in return.   There are times when a single horoscope brings out the dramatic turn of events   in a way nothing else can. We are speaking of the US-Saudi Davison Relationship Chart. What is a Davison Relationship Chart? Please read about the DRC at this reference [1] Presented here is the DRC drawn for Saudi Arabia [2] and the US Sibly [3].  As always planetary configurations aligned with the angles are the ones to focus on. Here a   Sun-Pluto- Deucalion Jupiter opposition aligns with the meridian.   This has acquired prominence ...