The Wagner private military company led by Evgeny Prigozhin launched a coup attempt in Russia that began on Friday evening and lasted through Saturday. The armed contractors managed to seize an army headquarters in the southern part of the country. However, they failed to rally other units and eventually aborted their advance towards Moscow after a deal was reached with authorities. Presented here is the chart of Russia. Radix Pluto [21sc] makes a sharp square to the horizon axis [1 st -7 th house cusps]. In an individual’s chart a Pluto square to the horizon axis generally implies that the person is skilful in misrepresenting himself and often trapped in a web of lies woven unintentionally sometimes for the highest of reasons, for example a woman who smilingly abides in a sham marriage “for the sake of the kids” - in other words keeping the peace. Extrapolating from there what might this ...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore