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Showing posts from September, 2024

Boeing Workers Go On Strike

  Sabian   Gemini 21 (20° - 21°): A labour demonstration Members of the International Association of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, which represents 33,000 Boeing employees at factories near Seattle and elsewhere, overwhelmingly rejected a 'historic contract offer' with the troubled planemaker and voted to go on strike. Sep. 13     World events when understood in the light of passing planetary transits help to increase our understanding of the myriad ways that planetary combinations can express themselves.     In [1] we had a demonstration of common sense when the US showed restraint (Saturn) amid the allies pushing for a risky endeavour (Jupiter) to give long range weapons to Ukraine.   In [2] we saw the German government being cautious (Saturn) and not allowing its borders to be invaded (security) against the demand to alllow free movement of immigrants (Jupiter). Saturn in Pisces

Henry Hazlitt and the demise of Bretton Woods

  Henry Hazlitt In July of 1944, a year and some months before the official end to the Second World War, allied powers gathered at the Bretton Woods Hotel in New Hampshire to hammer out a new economic order that would dominate the world at war’s end.In the early days of the conference, the New York Times (NYT) editorialized against the scheme. T he pen behind the unsigned editorials was the great economist Henry Hazlitt. Hazlitt criticized the proposed new monetary system. He said that by making the dollar the world reserve currency, and guaranteeing convertibility into gold only by large trading nations, the new system could not last. This is because there was no mechanism to police nations’ fiscal and monetary policies. The new system would enable endless expansion of money and credit abroad without consequence. The United States would experience, eventually, a devastating gold outflow. At some point in the future, he predicted, the United States would have to suspend convertibility

Biden and Starmer meet amid storm over Ukraine weapons

  President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met at the White House on Friday amid rising tensions with Russia, reaffirming their support for Ukraine but declining to publicly address urgent questions over whether Biden will pave the way for Ukraine to use Western-made weapons to strike deeper inside Russia. Sep 13     Granting Kiev permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons would constitute direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict by NATO,. When two nations collaborate on a project then cosmic phenomena mapped for the midpoint of the two places carry significant meaning. Here is the lunar eclipse chart drawn for the midpoint between London and Washington DC. Notice that it is placed very meaningfully on the meridian suggesting that it has an important message for the two countries.   The Sun [26vi] on the IC is conjunct the star Benatnash (Alkaid) of the Big

Germany Suspends Immigration

    BERLIN, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Germany's government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country's land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism. The controls within what is normally a wide area of free movement - the European Schengen zone - will start on Sept. 16 and initially last for six months, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Monday.     Astrologers routinely draw charts for exact planetary aspects. Those places where these aspect combinations appear on the horizon or meridian are then considered especially vulnerable to events linked to those combinations.   Here is the chart for the Sun-Saturn opposition of Sep. 8 drawn for Berlin. Notice that it aligns perfectly with the horizon forming a T-square with Jupiter.   A Jupiter-Saturn square ener

Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei dies

  The former boyfriend of Ugandan Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei, who killed her by setting her on fire, has himself died from burns sustained in the attack, a Kenyan hospital official has said. Dickson Ndiema ambushed the marathon runner as she returned home from church more than a week ago. He then doused her with petrol and set her ablaze.Local administrators said the two had been in conflict over a small piece of land in north-west Kenya, where Cheptegei lived and trained. ..Cheptegei, from a region just across the border in Uganda, is said to have bought a plot in Trans Nzoia county and built a house to be near Kenya's elite athletics training centres.   Many news events have causes that go back in time. This news is one such example. In this post we trace this tragic event to the last lunar eclipse of March 28 at Eldoret, where the incident took place. Notice that the eclipse Moon [5li] was placed in the 5 th house associat

Is A Market Crash In The Air?

  U.S. stocks rose on Friday (Aug. 16) as investors closed out the best week of 2024, part of a market comeback from a violent rout to begin August. CNN.  Markets are manipulated, yes, but they're still structures of tightly bound, self-organizing complexity which lend themselves to sudden non-linear collapses.     The changes in motion from direct to retrograde and retrograde to direct are called “stations.” A forward-moving planet will slow down, come to a stop and then begin moving backwards; a retrograde planet will do the same in reverse.   Many events can be explained by planets at their station point. On Oct 12, Pluto will station direct at [29cp38]. Fated events may force the elimination of controlling habits, compulsions, addictions or prejudices.   The station takes place conjunct the Sibly Pluto [27cp32] in the 2nd house. Among areas ruled by the 2nd house, Deborah Houlding has “all places a

Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

  Sirius - The Wolf Star The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals. Sep. 9     The news is elegantly explained if we study the Davison Relationship Chart (DRC)  [1] between the US Sibly and the national chart for Haiti [2]. Here the solar arc progressed Sun [2sa] makes hard aspects to the asteroids Diana [0ge] - Ceres [1pi] - Vesta [3pi]   Ceres: Food Diana: Animals; belief in hunter-prey dynamics. Vesta: Emotionally detached   Combined it can mean an emotionally detached attitude to hunting animals for food    Here is the lunar return chart for the DRC MC is conjunct Quaoar [8cp] - Ceres [8cp] - Cupido [6cp] opposite Kronos [16

Judge Juan Merchan arrested

  SABIAN CANCER 5°: AN AUTOMOBILE IS WRECKED BY A TRAIN. US Navy JAG investigators arrested Deep State Judge Juan Merchan, the treasonous justice who adjudicated the state of New York’s illegal “hush money” case against President Trump, outside his home in Queens Wednesday (Sep.4) morning, pounding yet another stake into the heart of the Southern District of New York’s corrupt criminal justice system. Sept 7   The chart drawn for the time of Judge Juan Merchan’s arrest has a Sun-Saturn-Jupiter T-square straddling the angles. With Jupiter on the MC is the asteroid Requiem and opposite on the IC is the asteroid Hopi.   Hopi-Jupiter-Requiem : the cessation of judicial prejudice. [2]   But this is simply the “second/minute hand” of the cosmic clock..The “hour hand” so to speak is the chart for the Sun-Saturn opposition (Saturn synod) that perfects on Sept 8 with the same T-square aligned with the meridi

2000 GN171: Calibrating Power With Effectiveness

  On November 7, 2023, Honda unveiled new electronic control technology for motorcycles. "Honda E-Clutch" enables starting, shifting, and stopping without manual clutch lever operations by automatically controlling the clutch*1. It's a world's-first technology.   The project headed by Junya Ono is based in Bracknell, UK. A chart for the November New Moon at Bracknell is shown here. The New Moon was placed conjunct the star Zubeneschamali.   The stars Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali are in the constellation of the Scales about which Nick Fiorenza writes:   Zubenelgenubi reveals past patterns that keep us entrapped in the reincarnational clutches--from attaining our highest destiny and evolutionary freedom. Karma does not mean something bad, it simply means our past experiential path, one that must be reconciled by moving forth from our past into our dharma. Zubeneschamali, the dharmic seat, lies slightly north of the ec

‘River to the Sea’ is not hate speech

  In a development that will be cheered by those who promote open discourse on social media platforms and condemned by ardent supporters of the State of Israel, Meta's independent Oversight Board for Instagram and Facebook on Wednesday ruled that the controversial slogan "from the river to the sea" is not inherently hate speech in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, and should therefore not be subjected to automatic deletion. Aug 6   "From the river to the sea" is a political phrase that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an area historically called Palestine, which today includes Israel and the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.The phrase and similar phrases have been used both by Palestinian and Israeli politicians to mean that the area should consist of one stat

Massive Political Shake-Up in Canada

  In what's turned into a massive political shake-up in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the progressive National Democratic Party (NDP), is pulling the plug on his party's support deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government. Singh is set to announce the breakup in a video going live on social media Wednesday afternoon - a move that could send shockwaves through the country's political landscape. Sep.4   This unexpected turn of events in Canada is easily understood if we begin with the current solar return (precession corrected) for Canada [1]. Notice that it has a prominent Grand Cross aligned with the meridian. The Sun square the lunar nodes - a “Moon wobble” is linked to “political upheavals” [2]. This unstable configuration has been triggered by transit Venus moving over the Libra MC as also triggering the March 25 lunar e

Capricorn Ingress urges “building bridges”

  Submerged stone bridge from Genovesa Cave Reconstructing early human colonization on Mediterranean islands is challenging due to limited archaeological evidence. By studying a 25-foot submerged bridge, an interdisciplinary research team - led by USF geology Professor Bogdan Onac - was able to provide compelling evidence of earlier human activity inside Genovesa Cave, located in the Spanish island of Mallorca. Aug 30   In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these the Capricorn ingress is considered the most significant by many astrolgers who refer to it as the Annual Chart. and use the progression of its angles to predict important world events.  

Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

  AN UNSEALED LETTER Consider Mark Zuckerberg’s revelation and its implications for our understanding of the last four years, and what it means for the future. On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official channels of information sharing are reluctant to admit it.   This is why the admission of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was so startling. It’s not what he admitted. We already knew what he revealed. What’s new is that he admitted it. We are simply used to living in a world swimming in lies. It rattles us when a major figure tells us what is true or even partially or slightly true. We almost cannot believe it, and we wonder what the motivation might be. In his August 26 letter to Congressional investigators, Zuckerbeg flat-out said what everyone else has been saying for years now. Facebook was pressured to censor information that was uncomforta

Revenge of the colonized? Gas-rich Algeria could now control Europe

Ovid: The Revenge Goddess - Tisiphone Algiers is now playing an increasingly important role in ensuring EU energy security and is itself moving toward economic sovereignty.  In the spring of 2022, at the height of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the EU began thinking about abandoning Russian gas supplies and reducing energy consumption as much as possible. EU countries began looking elsewhere, and one of the places they focused their attention on was Algeria. The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth especially when they align with the angles at any place. A New Moon or Full Moon can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. The Sept 3 New Moon [11vi] falls on the Ascendant [12vi] of the national chart of Algeria activating its major solar direction.   Directed Sun [11