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Showing posts from December, 2020

Concierto de Aranjuez

  Demeter (Ceres) mourning for her child The Concierto de Aranjuez is a guitar concerto by the Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo. Written in 1939, it is by far Rodrigo's best-known work, and its success established his reputation as one of the most significant Spanish composers of the 20th century. It was inspired by the gardens at Palacio Real de Aranjuez, the spring resort palace and gardens built by Philip II.   He described the concerto as capturing "the fragrance of magnolias, the singing of birds, and the gushing of fountains" in the gardens of Aranjuez. This concerto is in three movements. The second movement is marked by its slow pace and quiet melody.   A feeling of quiet regret permeates the piece. In later life Rodrigo and his wife declared that the second movement of the concerto   was written as a response to the miscarriage of their first child. The premiere of the Concierto de Aranjuez [1] was held on 9 November 1940 at the Palau de la Música Catal...

Full Moon: Getting off the fence of indecision

  Material need usually wins out against ideological creed. Necessity over dogma. Twice this week, the European Union demonstrated that maxim in practice when it rebuffed Washington over the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with Russia; and then again over a major investment pact with China…. Maas said that while the EU looks forward to having better relations with the United States under a new Biden administration, the bloc was asserting its prerogative to trade with Russia for increasing natural gas supply as a matter of sovereignty.     Saturn, is the archetype of authority and in its darkest face, what astrologer Steven Forrest calls the "crushing patriarch." Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost.   Pluto, as Lord of the underworld, always brings the authentic or real...

Croatia Earthquake

  At least seven people were killed and dozens were injured after a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck central Croatia on Tuesday, according to the US Geological Survey and Croatian officials. Emergency crews, assisted by the military, were still digging through the rubble in several towns as night fell and electricity remained out.   Eclipses and planetary conjunctions are among the known causes for earthquakes. Places where significant planetary combinations align with the horizon or meridian axes are particularly vulnerable. Presented here are charts for (a) the lunar eclipse of Nov. 30 (b) the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of Dec. 21. Notice that in each case the Mars-Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto-TNP Zeus   combination aligns with the angles.

Ukraine confirms Biden Corruption

   Ukraine confirms Biden Corruption in Press Conference released Dec 25, 2020. Over 1 hour long and with bank records and witness. @ligia4508 Main stream sources have   been hotly denying Biden corruption calling it a conspiracy theory [1]. Yet now be have it from the Ukranian authorities who in a media conference laid out all the evidence.  So what happened astrologically to cause this event?  Look at the solar return chart for Ukraine [2]. Notice  Mars (Aries) square-Saturn-Pluto (Capricorn) straddling the horizon axis. Among other things, Capricorn stands for leaders and institutions that rule us. Capricorn’s first impulse is to resist, mistrust, or reject anything new. New initiatives (instigated by the angularity of Aries creative impulse) can be initially assessed as confronting, threatening, and even hostile to the structures and status quo that have been previously established. When Pluto transits C...

Delhi earthquake

   Earthquake of magnitude 2.3 on the Richter scale hit Nangloi in Delhi at 5:02 am today, according to India's National Center for Seismology. There was no immediate report of any damage to life or property . With Mars making its last pass square to Saturn-Pluto, it is likely to express as justified anger against the powers that have held us back . In some cases we may have internalized those external powers to our detriment   and are finally waking up. The following extract from a previous post is relevant here: Saturn, is the archetype of authority and in its darkest face, what astrologer Steven Forrest calls the "crushing patriarch." Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost.   Pluto, as Lord of the underworld, always brings shadow material to the surface.   Its conjunction to Saturn serves   to draw back the curtain until the flaws, failings, and destructiveness of the system bec...

Mars enters sidereal Aries

  The Sidereal zodiac, like the more familiar Tropical zodiac (currently used by most Western astrologers), is divided into 12 equal segments of 30° each. These divisions bear the familiar names Aries, Taurus, etc. The basic difference is that the start of the Tropical zodiac zero degrees Aries (0°^) is permanently identified with the vernal equinox, while the Sidereal zodiac is measured in a way that fixes it against the starry celestial backdrop. In 1944, Cyril Fagan discovered the superiority of Sidereal Solar and Lunar Returns (‘Sol- lunars’) over their Tropical counterparts.   Vedic astrologers have been using the sidereal zodiac for a very long time. However, the Ayanamsha which decides the boundaries of the Sidereal zodiac was a point of debate among various practitioners. Research by Fagan and Bradley has now established the value of the Ayanamsha. It has been precisely determined by purely observational means, supported by INDEPENDENT archeological investigation. ...

Fires and Explosions portend a Military Coup

  To the magus, there exists no accidental happening…everything is established solidly by that law which the wise man discerns in happenings that appear accidental to the profane. The curve observed in the flight of birds, the barking of a dog, the shape of a cloud, are occult manifestations of that omnipresent, coordinator, the source of unity and harmony - Karl  Seligmann Has anyone thought about the dangers of increased activity of trucks and tractor-trailers carrying propane cylinders around metro areas thanks to surging demand from restaurants? Well, that was realized early Tuesday morning when a tractor-trailer carrying hundreds of propane cylinders flipped on the Long Island Expressway - creating a massive fireball and fiery wreck scattered across the eastbound service road of the highway near Junction Boulevard in Queens. Residents in Whatcom County, Washington h...

Winter Solstice and the First Quarter Moon

   The winter solstice marked by the Sun’s entry into Capricorn is a very significant event in astrology. It celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. This year’s winter solstice is even more important since it is accompanied by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn.   These two major events take place as the Moon reaches its First Quarter (FQ). Charts for the phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. This is especially so at places where they bring significant planetary aspects to the horizon or meridian. Moon phases act as   local “step down transformers” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that they aspect. Shown here is the chart for the FQ moon drawn for Washington DC.  Notice that it brings the Mars-Pluto square to the horizon axis. Pluto in Capricorn brings up incidents linked...

Tragedy accompanies unhealthy boundaries in mother-child relationship

  Mother rejecting child A Vernal mother was charged Friday with shooting and killing her 2-year-old son while he was sitting in his car seat. Valerie Stringham Peck, 40, is charged in Uintah County's 8th District Court with aggravated murder, a first-degree felony, and child abuse, a second-degree felony. Tragic incidents like these are symbolic windows into serious social problems that can   be apprehended only through a metaphoric mode of consciousness and astrology can provide a great framework for an indepth understanding of the issues involved. Mundane astrologers frequently cast the exact horoscope of ingresses, eclipses, great conjunctions etc. We are now on the threshold of the much awaited Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.  Astronomical Myth is a "picture language," imagery that articulates the qualities of cosmic intelligence expressing throughout the greater heavens and through our lives.  The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction [0aq29] aligns...

On why SCOTUS let down the country

  The question is not whether Joe Biden won or lost, it’s what’s the cost if the left doesn’t get their way which is what too many cowards are truly afraid of. They will sacrifice the future of our republic just to “keep the peace.” This video of court justices in Texas proves that. They fought loudly over whether to hear the Texas election fraud case out of fear the inevitable results would lead to leftist riots. Essentially, they are admitting Trump won by their outrage and fear of proving Biden is not the rightful victor.   In a national chart, the 9 th house rules the law courts. The US Sibly has Neptune[23vi] in the 9 th square to Mars [21ge] in the 7 th . The December 14 solar eclipse [23sg] formed a T-square with Mars-Neptune, thereby activating this combination. Astrological configurations can have a whole range of manifestations ranging from the very positive to the extreme negative [1]. The most common manifestation of Mars-Neptune is “an i...

Facebook reverses prioritizing MSM stories

  Facebook has reversed its election-season policy of prioritizing mainstream media stories in News Feed after a similar move from Twitter. This is as Mark Zuckerberg is sued for allegedly helping tip the vote in favor of Joe Biden.     Mark Zuckerberg (b. May 14, 1984) has Mercury [29ar] opposite Poseidon [26li] and Pluto [0sc].     Saturn now transiting [29cp] is completing a T-square with this configuration. L Blake Finley   in his article The   Transneptunians as a Transpersonal Evolutionary Sequence provides the following definitions [1]. Poseidon: Propaganda; Social & ideological manipulation. Pluto: Fascination with one's power to change people and things; power plays and manipulation. Martha Wescott interprets the combination as: Pluto-Poseidon: to recognize the pervasive and invasive power of the media, advertising or ideologic propaganda; to see attempts ...

Capricorn Ingress and the Insurrection Act of 1807

  The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The Act was signed into law on March 3, 1807 by President Thomas Jefferson. A noon chart for   the Insurrection Act (IAC) is shown here. It may surprise readers but horoscopes have a life of their own and outlive the events that they are cast for. Their significance reaches far into the future, awaiting relevant mundane charts to activate them. Here is the chart for the upcoming Capricorn ingress at Washington DC. If we superimpose the Insurrection Act (IAC) chart on the Capricorn Ingress chart  (CIC) what do we see? The Sun [12pi14] – Pluto [11pi41] – Mars [13vi21] of the IAC aligns with the CIC meridian! More completely, Pluto is conjunct the TNP Cupido opposite Mars which semisquares...

Mount Etna erupts

  Mount Etna erupts Mt Etna has erupted in Sicily, Italy with 100 metre-high lava fountains. The South East crater began erupting at 9.20pm on Sunday (local time, 9.20am Monday NZT), according to The website estimated lava from the volcano was reaching heights of more than 100m, while red lava and plumes of smoke was filmed from a distance by an observer. The eruption was classified as a strombolian activity, which is when a volcano erupts causing a shower of lava fragments, according to GNS Science. In his book Mundane or National Astrology , H.S. Green in the chapter on “Earthquakes” writes: Earthquakes are found to be associated with eclipses and important planetary conjunctions and oppositions. An eclipse is always liable to cause seismic disturbances where it is visible, especially if it falls very close to the line of horizon i.e. the cusps of the first...

US “dams” in hazardous condition

  Dam about to collapse   An in-depth analysis of public records carried out by The Associated Press has revealed that nearly 1700 dams across the United States are in such bad condition that they could cause life-threatening flooding to homes, businesses, infrastructure and even entire communities if they fail. This assessment was made following a two-year review of data and reports acquired using open record laws.   In 1952 Swiss psychologist Carl Jung published Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle , one of the most controversial works of his career. In this book, Jung summarized decades of research on the subject of coincidence, concluding that such phenomena hold important secrets about the deeper nature of reality. The timing of “coincidences” seemed to arise in conjunction with key transitions in people’s lives. Jung felt that synchronistic events suggested the existence of ...

Bernadette Brady on Solar Eclipse of December 2020

  In predictive astrology eclipses can give very mixed outcomes often they seem to vary dramatically from one eclipse to another. In the past astrologers have taken to examining the chart of a particular eclipse. However, far better results can be achieved by stepping back and looking at the geometry of how eclipses occur, not on the individual level but rather on the larger cyclic playing field of life. For each seemingly isolated eclipse belongs to a larger pattern, each eclipse is a member of a family and each family has particular characteristics.  By back-tracking along the trail of eclipses within a given saros series one can find the very first eclipse of the series and therefore the exact moment that that eclipse occurred. This gives a "birth chart" for a particular saros series and this chart sets the theme of expression of every other resulting eclipse in the series [1].  The December 14, 2020 solar eclipse belongs to the series 4 South about which Brady w...

Last Quarter Moon unveils US election fraud

  Texas files lawsuit with SCOTUS to nullify rigged elections in FOUR swing states. Situation Update, Dec. 8th – All ballots after Nov. 3rd are NULL AND VOID; Texas files lawsuit with SCOTUS to nullify rigged elections in FOUR swing states. Today’s Situation Update covers the bombshells now getting catapulted into the election battle, with a legal analyst revealing that the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled in 1997 (Foster v Love) that all ballots received after midnight of Election Day are null and void. This means the vote stuffing, early morning rigging and subsequent ballot “discovery” schemes by the Democrats are all unconstitutional and therefore null and void.   Regular readers will be familiar with the use of asteroids for chart analysis at this blogsite. My inspiration comes from Martha Wescott whom I regard as a pioneer in the use of asteroids for astrology charts. In her book Mechanics of the Future – Asteroids, she writes: When a system fails to address det...

Mystery illness in India

Eluru – Hand woven carpets   At least 300 persons –– including several children, some as young as 4 years old –– have taken ill in Eluru in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh since Saturday evening. While officials initially suspected contaminated drinking water or air pollution to be the cause, both were ruled out by Sunday evening. Health Minister A Kali Krishna Srinivas said blood samples and swabs have been sent for lab analysis, with reports awaited.   Eclipses are known to produce dramatic effects in places where they make hard aspects to the angles. The effect is even more pronounced if significant planetary combinations also appear on the angles. Shown here is the chart for the Nov. 30 lunar eclipse drawn for Eluru. MC [21cp]: Asclepius [22cp] – Pluto [23cp] – Arachne [17li]   Notice that the MC is conjunct Saturn, Pluto and the asteroid Asclepius linked to illness.   So clearly the eclipse is highlighting some radica...