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Showing posts from September, 2023

The End of the American Dream

        It can be difficult to believe that the wild scenes that we are witnessing on the streets of America are actually real. Earlier this week, I wrote an article entitled “What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities”. I wrote that article before the widespread looting that just erupted in Philadelphia. Just when I think that conditions in our core urban areas have reached a low point, they seem to find a way to get even worse. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis. As economic conditions continue to deteriorate, countless numbers of people will become very desperate. And when countless numbers of people become very desperate, our society will descend into a permanent state of chaos. On Tuesday night (Sep.26), dozens of young people went on a rampage in the city of Philadelphia.   The core of the US Sibly Pluto Return operates through Capricorn and the 2nd house. Capricorn represents t...

Canada honours Hitler’s Waffen SS

  A 98-year old was given standing ovation by the Canadian parliament during Zelensky's speech.  He was hailed as a hero for fighting against the Russians. Yaroslav Hunk fought for the 14th division of the Waffen SS. The Galician SS and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (both factions worked alongside each other) committed various massacres against Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Soviet Partisans during their operation and collaboration with the SS and the Nazis. Sep. 24     The President of Ukraine who is an ethnic Russian of Jewish descent, representing a full fledged Neo-Nazi government was welcomed in Canada. The standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunk in the Canadian Parliament leaves no one in doubt that Canada is supporting a Neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine of which Zelensky is the president.   In this post we examine some relevant charts to understand why this is happening. First take a look at Canad...

At Last, the EU Wakes Up, Part II

  Boötes protecting the Virgin     Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of the few politicians left who represent the interests of the European people.   “We just need to find a way to wake the people up. Because the point is simply this: it comes down to a choice. It’s either freedom, democracy, and the rule of law — or enslavement.   “There is no such thing in between. There is no such thing as a little freedom, a little democracy, a little rule of law, just as there is no such thing as a little enslavement. So that’s the choice. It comes down to – it’s either the globalitarian misanthropists or the people. It comes down to – it’s either us or them. And that’s, I think, what this really is all about”.   US panics! Anti-American proposal by...

UK’s colossal rise in child death

  On the cusp of the new COVID-19 booster shot rollout, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, gives Del a shocking update highlighting the colossal rise of excess deaths in children in the UK since the COVID vaccine was rolled out. Sep. 8   By now, most people are wise to the coronavirus fearmongering and pro-shots hype. Instead of rushing out to take the new shot, their reaction to being urged to take it will be along the lines of “you’ve got to be kidding,” “not a chance,” or just a simple “nope.”   It would be great if top health officials also stand up to the coronavirus shots propaganda that threatens individuals’ health through the encouragement that they be injected repeatedly with dangerous and ineffective shots.   The United Kingdom was the first Western nation to begin vaccinating its citizens with a Covid-19 shot outside of clinical trials. Here is th...

NATO fractures as Poland ‘ditches’ Ukraine

  The dam is breaking on unified Western support for Ukraine, and the timing couldn't be worse for Zelensky, given tomorrow he's expected to meet with President Biden at the White House. On Wednesday evening there is monumental news out of Poland which could potentially change the entire course of the war.   Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes. This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. It is an effective and easily understood method, and it can be combined with predictive tools such as progressions and transits.  While the future can never be predicted, interactive progressions in synastry can give an outline of most probable outcome in relationships.   Between 2019-2024, Poland’s [1] directed Moon traverses the arc [9cn-14cn] making hard aspects to Ukraine’s [2] radix Uranus [10cp] - Neptune [14cp] and the asteroids Pallas [10l...

Sun-Neptune: Unveiling of deceptions Part 2

  Light begins to reveal the truth The New York Times is finally acknowledging that the September 6 deadly impact of a missile in the center of Kostiantynivka was caused by a Ukrainian missile The New York Times was of course one of those media outlets that had spread Zelenski's lies. Sep 19 Can it be a coincidence that the news comes to us just as the Sun and Neptune perfect an opposition in transit. And the US Sibly Wynn Key Return for Sep. 19 brings the opposition to the horizon axis. In a previous post Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions [1], I wrote:   With its link to deception, Neptune is connected to “mirages” or appearances that belie reality. The essential meaning of appearance is simply the form in which we are able to perceive something. Modern science recognizes that what we personally cognate as the external world is actually the product of an interaction between that world and the projection of our subconscious.   ...

Pluto in Aquarius and the Sino-American Chip War

  The US has waged a chip war against China to stifle the latter's technological progress in cutting-edge areas, but doubts and a backlash over the potential consequences have been growing as Washington's strategic mistake looms increasingly larger and high-tech industry players in the US fear becoming casualties in the self-defeating war. In this post we examine the horoscopes of China and the US in the light of Pluto’s entry into Aquarius.  Pluto — the planet signifying transformation — moved into the sign of Capricorn in 2008. On March 23, 2023, Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will stay until it enters Pisces on March 8, 2043. Pluto in Aquarius represents some of the most profound times in history when the center (be it personal, psychological, cultural, governmental, political, financial, or otherwise) is unable to hold. That is what happens by archetypal design when Pluto moves through Aquarius. The focus sh...

The Drug Bust of Justin Trudeau in India

  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has returned to Canada from India, and his return has been eventful....According to multiple sources, the Canadian aircraft faced departure denial due to the discovery of a significant quantity of drugs onboard, creating a drug-related angle to the incident. Airport sniffer dogs reportedly detected a substantial amount of drugs on Trudeau’s plane, leading to the cancellation of his departure.     Trudeau’s horoscope has a significant Saturn opposite Neptune alignment with the meridian currently triggered by transit Saturn on the descendant forming a T-square with the combination.  Saturn/Neptune People are facing restrictions, obstacles and severe tests of their character and support system through dependency, addictions or through illness.   Next we notice that the current Sun-Neptune opposition transit activates his Mars [29pi] square Bacchus (drugs/addiction) [27sa].   Mars i...

F-35 fighter jet disappears at Sun-Neptune opposition

  The US military has asked for the public's help locate one of its $80m (£65m) F-35 fighter jets after the pilot ejected from the aircraft. It went missing on Sunday afternoon (Sep.17) when the pilot was flying over the southern state of South Carolina.   In the US Sibly, Neptune (deception or stealth and even disappearance) is square Mars in Gemini (war “bird”). The Sep. 14 New Moon [22vi] conjoined Neptune triggering this radix combination and the supernova SN 2023ixf [24vi30].  In an earler post [1] on the supernova SN 2023ixf, I wrote:   The new supernova SN 2023ixf [24vi30] is conjunct US Sibly Neptune [22vi]...The Novae (or nova, which means “new”) notes the death of a star. Such a death symbolizes the period of grief and mourning for the previous psychology, now deleted. A needed time of sanction is required before the death spawns the next life form. What we know is that the previous way of being is g...

FDA Refuses to Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to change its statements against ivermectin, even after a court said it acted outside of its authority when it told people to stop using it to treat COVID-19. The U.S. appeals court said that the FDA's statements, including one telling people to "stop" using ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, went beyond the authority conferred on the agency by Congress.  “FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers ‘stop’ taking medicine,” U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett wrote in the Sept. 1 ruling. Sept.16   That the US government and its agencies have gone rogue is illustrated by the FDA news and can be seen clearly in US Sibly solar return (precession corrected) which has the powerful Pluto-Nodes-Mercury-Echeclus Grand Cross straddling the horizon. Pluto is conjunct the centaur Amycus about which Benjamin Adamah writes:   A formida...

India and Russia plan new shipping route at New Moon

  New Delhi and Moscow are stepping up efforts to begin operations along the Eastern Maritime Corridor (EMC), a shipping route which stretches from Vladivostok in Russia's Far East to the southern Indian port of Chennai, officials announced at the Eastern Economic Forum on Tuesday.   The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. A Moon phase can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. Presented here is the chart for the New Moon of Sep. 15 drawn for the midpoint between Vladivostok and Chennai.   The New Moon [21vi] trine Uranus [22ta] is an excellent transit for engaging in pioneering new activities and for making discoveries. There is a recognition that change can be creative and exciting. M...

Stoltenberg admits the truth about Ukraine war

      Yesterday, speaking at the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that NATO is responsible for deliberately provoking the war in Ukraine:   “President Putin in the autumn of 2021 sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that. ... So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders”. Sep.8 .   In astrology, an essential quality of Capricorn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of laws that cause extreme hardship or austerity. Capricorn symbolizes systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost.   But the underground stream that runs beneath the surface of those structures – that is a mystery. We only recog...

Astrology of the Philippines typhoon

  As Hurricane Florence makes landfall in the US, a super typhoon is set to wreak havoc on the Philippines before moving on to Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Hurricane Florence batters North and South Carolina. Typhoon Mangkhut, currently the equivalent of a category 5 hurricane, is expected to make landfall on the Philippines island of Luzon tomorrow. Sep.14 Mundane Astrology is the application of astrology to world affairs and world events, taking its name from the Roman word Mundus, meaning "the World". Among the horoscopes used are those of eclipses, ingresses, lunations, exact planetary aspects etc.   We are now entering eclipse season with two eclipses due in October. The effect of these eclipses can be felt quite often around the lunations prior to the eclipse. Here is the chart for the Oct 28 lunar eclipse drawn for Luzon.   The eclipse Moon [5ta09] is placed in the Arabic lunar mansion Al-Sharatain [03ta28 to 21ta07]. For thi...

Zelensky Threatens To Terrorize Europe

  The Economist published an interview with the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenski where he t hreatens, in rather unthankful fashion, those countries which have delivered aid to Ukraine but may want to cut their losses:  "There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner” ".   National charts can be a treasure trove of information so that most current events can be easily understood from transits and directions to the chart elements.   Presented here is the horoscope of the European Union with only elements relevant to our discussion. Let us focus on the current Uranus conjunct the Moon which is setting off the Moon-Mars...

Ukrainians blame Zelensky for corruption

    The vast majority of Ukrainians believe that President Vladimir Zelensky is at fault for widespread corruption in the country’s government and military, a new study has revealed.    The poll, released on Monday, found that 78% of Ukrainian adults see Zelensky as “directly responsible” for Kiev’s corruption problem. It was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Charitable Foundation and the Kiev International Institute of Sociology. Sep.11     The US Sibly is going through its Pluto [27cp] return so that the current Pluto [28cp] -Nodal [27ar-li] axis T-square is a powerful trigger. In the last post, we discussed this combination with examples of how it was pushing us to favour freedom over slavery. Previously we saw that Ebertin referred to Pluto-Node as “the tragic destiny of a large mass of people”. Now let us look at the constellation Aquila in which trans...

Pluto-Nodes: Choice between freedom and dependency

Mongolia, rich in minerals especially copper and rare earths, but sandwiched between China and Russia, is making a pivotal shift toward a “third neighbor” – the United States. During a recent visit to Washington, Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai aimed to fortify U.S. ties concerning critical minerals and particularly to enhance cooperation in rare earth mining. Additionally, Mongolia and the U.S. brokered an “Open Skies” aviation agreement, intended to bolster direct trade. August 12, 2023     Mongolia’s radix chart: Monday, July 11, 1921, 12:00 AM; Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) Based on the above, Mongolia’s current progressed Sun [27li] makes hard aspects to Sibly Pluto [27cp] - Hebe [25ar ]..all triggered by the recent Pluto- Node transits .   As the South Node enters Libra, the focus shifts to our relationships and t...

Astrology of the Morocco earthquake

  King of Morocco Mohammed VI on Saturday declared three days of national mourning following a devastating earthquake that killed over 1,300 people and left more than 1,800 injured in the North African nation, media reports citing the Kingdom's Ministry of Internal Affairs.     In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the Cancer ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for Marrakech, Morocco.   Notice the significant alignment of the Pluto-Nodes-Vulcanus Grand Cross with the angles. (horizon and meridian).   In his Combination of Stellar Influences , about Pluto/Node, Ebertin writes   Pluto/Node :A common and tragic destiny of a large mass of people   About Pluto, Richard Tarnas writes:   To summarize th...