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Showing posts from January, 2025

Astrology of the US aircrash

   A mid-air collision between an Army Black Hawk helicopter (about 9 pm) and a regional jet near Reagan International Airport in DC was caught on camera from the Kennedy Center Wednesday night, prompting a massive response from fire, EMS, and police.     Of the four cardinal ingresses of the Sun, many astrologers consider the Capricorn ingress (winter solstice) to be the most important. Presented here is the chart for the Capricorn ingress at Arlington, VA. Uranus [24ta] on the descendant is conjunct the malefic star Algol [26ta] well known for its connection to “mass deaths”. The MC[1vi] is trine the Sun[0cp] which is square the Nodes (with Neptune) - a phenomenon referred to as a “Moon Wobble” known to cause “plane crashes” [1]   So what happened on the night of Jan. 29 to bring about the tragedy?   Well at least three things....

Gazprom To Repair Damaged NS2 Pipeline

  In a very unexpected development Denmark is now working directly with Russia's Gazprom to do environmental mitigation on the damaged Nord Stream pipelines, in the wake of the multiple underwater blasts that took them offline on September 26, 2022 - leading to years of accusations against Moscow and a Russia-West tit-for-tat...All of this is happening as Washington still has far-reaching sanctions on Russia as well as the NS2 Russian operator, Gazprom's Nord Stream 2 AG...This has raised the crucial question of whether the Russian entity's supposed environmental mitigation efforts are but cover to eventually revive the controversial project.     As with several examples presented at this site, here too we shall see that a well timed horoscope and its derivates can clearly indicate future possibilities. The first explosion on the NS2 ( took place on 26 Septe...

New Moon: Freedom from the ‘poisoned’ heart

  The New Moon of 29 Jan is the first New Moon in Aquarius. If Saturn is the wall builder, its sign Capricorn designates the kingdom within the wall; his sign Aquarius the cold outer space beyond it Here ex-communicated, unique, untethered we are free to look back upon the civilization we left behind and imagine what a better world might look like. One world offers comfort; one offers hope. Forsaking the familiar and striking out for new lands demands risk taking.  One method astrologers employ to understand the message a New or Full Moon might be trying to convey is to look at stars and other deep space objects it conjoins. Today’s New Moon [10aq] is conjunct a Super Nova SN 1987A [8aq] about which Philip Sedgwick writes:   SN 1987A falls under the category of Type II Super Novae. Type II's source star or progenitor  tend to be massive stars, ten to twenty times the mass of our own Sun. The progenitor's core  contracts with age as it uses up its fuel, increa...

Jupiter conjunct Sibly Sun in 8th house ends Income Tax

      President Trump is calling for an END to the federal income tax. “Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich foreign nations, we should be tariffing and taxing foreign nations to enrich our citizens.” America was great WELL BEFORE the federal government took 30%+ of every dollar we earn. End it!       The Sibly lunar return (precession corrected) has Uranus stationing direct on the MC as also on Trump’s radix MC.[1]   Uranus is the planet of innovation as well as freedom from all kinds of control while Taurus is the sign of money. So freedom from income tax would certainly be a reform that can be attributed to Uranus’ transit through Taurus.  From a previous post [2] we have:   Jupiter station is exactly opposite the Ascendant of the US Sibly which rules “the common people or general condition of prosperity of the inhabitants”. We can relate this to Trump’s Executive Order...

Jupiter station offers release from restrictive beliefs

    The alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in December 2020 represented a call for a balance between opposing forces, like freedom and restriction . It also signalled a need for significant changes in personal lives and societal structures.    Four years later in 2024-25, under the pressure of the waxing square between the two giant planets,  the seed ideas are beginning to take shape. Jupiter, the planet of optimism and faith in a bright future is stationing to go direct on Feb 4 at [11ge16] . The Sabian symbol for this position as delineated by Dane Rudhyar is:   PHASE 72 (GEMINI 12°): A NEGRO GIRL FIGHTS FOR HER INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY.   KEYNOTE: Liberation from the ghosts of the past.   Every new beginning is surrounded with ghosts (or personal and social karma). Whoever seeks to be truly an individual must be liberated from the past.   As an example on a national level, we note that Jupiter station is exactly opposit...

A pathetic clown-world alliance is signed by two moribund partners

           The recent news item that imploding Great Britain and rump Ukraine have concluded a hundred-year alliance has injected some much-needed humour into the otherwise unbearably sombre political situation in the world. The absurd length of the pact signed by Starmer and Zelensky illustrates the complete lack of realism that for some time has governed the conduct of both delusional chancelleries, in London as well as in Kiev. Neither of the contracting parties has any reasonable prospects of remaining in existence a century hence, by the time the term of the just concluded centennial alliance expires.     Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship ...

Major Changes As Uranus Stations Direct

        To relate better to planetary transits discussed at this blogsite, I recommend readers keep handy a copy of their charts which is easily available at Astodienst [1]. For example Uranus is about to station direct. How do I know whether it is affecting my chart? Uranus went retrograde at [27ta] on 1 Sept 24 and will now go direct at [23ta] on 31 Jan 25. If I have chart elements (planets or Asc/MC) between 23 - 27 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius I am going to feel this transit very strongly. (e.g. Donald Trump’s MC is [24Taurus]..Israel’s radix Sun is [23Taurus])   Uranus is known as "The Great Awakener," because he provides us with situations that help shake us into awareness and realize the truths and the lies that we’re living. Though the fixed earth sign Taurus resists change, Uranus doesn’t like us to get too comfortable, because that’s when we become complacent. It’s a planet that forces us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to change...

Full Moon triggers flash floods and landslides in Indonesia

      At least 16 people have been killed and 10 injured as a landslide struck Indonesia's Central Java province, government authorities said. The landslide in the city of Pekalongan was triggered by heavy rains, a spokesperson for the country's disaster mitigation agency said on Tuesday. Authorities are searching for another three missing people as they warned that the rain was expected to continue for several days.   In a previous post Full Moon energy demands authenticit y[1], we saw that the astrocartography map for the Mars-Pluto Full Moon of Jan 14 had lines passing through Indonesia. A chart for the Full Moon at Pekalongan confirms that the Full Moon is indeed on the horizon signifying a major impact at that place. With Pluto involved earthquakes or landslides are easy to understand. The Full Moon itself [23cn] is conjunct M...

Trump’s second term brings major breaks with allies

  Under the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, Donald Trump was again inaugurated, this time as the 47th president of the United States, capping a historic return to power that serves as a resounding rebuke to the established political order. Said the returning president after taking the oath of office, “The golden age of America begins right now.”   Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one entity’s chart interacts with the planets in the other entity’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies.   In this post we examine the synastry between Trump’s progressions and the US Sibly since that should reveal some of his priorities in his second term.   ...

Why EU - the US vassals are panicking

    Waking from a Dream Painting by Nancy Fruchtman      It’s shock and awe time for Uncle Sam’s allies in the clown car who have mindlessly gone along for the ride. Not only is freshly re-minted US President Donald Trump reversing course at breakneck speed but, if his newly declared priorities are any indication, he seems to be headed, pedal to the metal, all the way back to the 80s.   Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one person’s chart interacts with the planets in the other person’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies.     The EU’s progressed Sun’s [10sa] is currently making hard aspects to the following radix elem...

Crooked Biden Gives Blanket Pardons To Criminals

  He really did it. Joe Biden rang in Inauguration Day by pardoning some of permanent Washington's most nefarious figures, including Anthony Fauci, Mark Milley, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger.   The pardons are not for any specific crimes. They are blanket, preemptive orders to ensure the recipients are never held accountable for whatever federal offenses they may have committed during their times in the halls of power. Considering Fauci swore under oath that "The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology," Milley reportedly told the Chinese he'd tip them off if the president ordered a strike, and Cheney made unethical contact with a key J6 Committee witness without an attorney's knowledge, there could be plenty of substance to look into.   In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have ...

Venus-Saturn conjunction: Peace displaces violence in Middle East

  Peace Displaces Violence Hamas has released the first round of three Israeli hostages on Sunday morning, and officials on both sides are hailing the ceasefire deal as it appears to be sticking. For the first time in well over a year, war has been quieted throughout the Strip.       Historically, Venus, the planet of love and peace, has been prominent in charts associated with the end of wars. Venus is in a very happy place in its current position in compassionate Pisces. In fact, these two get along so well that astrologers consider this an "exaltation." This is a fancy way of saying that Pisces helps Venus express the absolute best of what she represents.   On January 19, Venus conjoined Saturn bringing clarity and structure to areas of life where things have felt uncertain or without direction. This conjunction which took place very prominently on the...

Israel cabinet approves ceasefire

    Israel's security cabinet has issued its formal approval, but now the deal moves to the full cabinet for final discussion and vote, expected to be held before the Jewish Shabbat begins. The cabinet further recommends that "the government approve the proposed outline."       Understanding what drives world events is incomplete without a knowledge of planetary cycles and star myths within which they are embedded. In this post we shall see that the ceasefire deal can be better understood from the myth linked to the stars that form the background to transit Uranus which is about to station at [23ta] conjunct Israel’s radix Sun. A chart for the station as well as Israel’s lunar return has Uranus opp. Poseidon aligned with the meridian. Uranus/Poseidon And this idea of change relative to one's thinking, beliefs, faith or principles is HUGE;...

Remembering George Orwell

    In the 75 years since George Orwell died, his works of dystopian fiction—which warn against rampant abuse of power, mind control and mass manipulation coupled with the rise of ubiquitous technology, fascism and totalitarianism—have become operation manuals for power-hungry political regimes wedded to the corporate state.   Orwell is best known for his allegorical novella Animal Farm (1945) and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). Orwell's work remains influential in popular culture and in political culture, and the adjective "Orwellian"—describing totalitarian and authoritarian social practices—is part of the English language.   In this post we take a look at Orwell’s horoscope [1] to see what information we can glean from it. We immediately notice a Sun - Uranus opposition - the hall mark of someone who hates to toe the line of the establishment. This is further confirmed with Uranus in opposition to Pluto. For Uranus-Pluto, Ebertin has: ...

SpaceX Starship test fails at Sun-Mars explosive opposition

  The latest test of Space X's giant Starship rocket has failed, minutes after launch.  Officials at Elon Musk's company said the upper stage was lost after problems developed after lift-off from Texas on Thursday. The mission came hours after the first flight of the Blue Origin New Glenn rocket system, backed by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos. The two tech billionaires both want to dominate the space vehicle market.     In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Among these many astrologers consider the Capricorn ingress as the most important.   Presented here is the chart for Sun’s ingress into sidereal Capricorn drawn for Boca Chica, Texas, the launch site. Our attention is drawn to the significant Sun-Mars-Pluto opposition alignment (along ...

On why Trump wants Greenland

    In December, Trump revived calls made in his first presidency for US ownership of Greenland, calling it “an absolute necessity.” Asked at a Tuesday news conference whether he would rule out using “military or economic coercion” to gain Greenland — or Panama, which Trump has also expressed desire to own — the president-elect responded, “No, I can’t assure you on either of those two, but I can say this: We need them for economic security.”   The president-elect says owning Greenland is vital for US security, but experts say he may also be eyeing other aspects of Greenland such as its trove of natural resources — including rare earth metals — which may become more accessible as climate change melts the territory’s ice.  Jan.8   Individual horoscopes work by mapping the positions of planets at the moment of a person's birth, which are then interpreted through the lens of arch...