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Showing posts from May, 2019

"Freedom Gas" and the US Sibly

Move over "freedom fries" of failed Iraq War fame — this isn't even "Not the Onion" territory. Via Bloomberg: The U.S. has a message for the rest of the world: Get ready for a lot more "freedom gas." In 2019, a series of jarring clashes (called squares) between expansive Jupiter and impressionable Neptune will act as reality checks forcing us out of our denials and illusions. While the squares are exact on January 13, June 16 and September 21 they can be activated   close to these dates by faster moving planets. Right now we are going through one such activation by Mercury. On May 29, Mercury forms a square with Neptune followed by an exact opposition with Jupiter on May 30.  At Washington, DC, a chart drawn for the exact Mercury-Neptune square has the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune T-square placed very significantly on the horizon a...

Solar Eclipse and the Hungary Boat Accident

Neptune – Lord of the Waters At least seven people have died and 19 are missing after a boat capsized on the Danube river in Hungary's capital Budapest, state media reported. Thirty-three people, mostly tourists from South Korea, were on board the boat when it was hit by another vessel while moored, the MTI news agency said. The incident occurred at about 22:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on Wednesday. The Danube river, a popular draw for tourists, had swelled due to heavy rainfall, causing strong currents. The horoscope of Hungary as provided by Nicholas Campion in his   "The Book of World Horoscopes," [1] is reproduced here. Our attention is immediately drawn to the Saturn-Neptune-Jupiter configuration aligned with the horizon axis.   The upcoming eclipse of July 2, 2019 at [10cn] falls exactly on Jupiter [10cn]. Eclipses are known to be activated before their actual occurrence when a transiting planet ...

Iran’s diplomacy may avert war

When history of the present US-Iran stand-off in the Persian Gulf is written, future scholars may note how it was Tehran that saved the day from full-scale war by its responsible diplomatic outreach to regional neighbors. This weekend saw the usual feckless American vacillations resulting in even more military power being deployed in the Middle East where US troops already number some 70,000. Astrologers regard planetary combinations that appear in the sky as providing opportunities for changes in world affairs. This is not to say events can be foretold.   It is up to us to decide whether we take the opportunity to move into a brighter future or refuse to move forward remaining entrenched in past patterns of behavior. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Planetary patterns aligned with the horizon or meridian contain clues of...

Dionysus demands his due

Dionysus – God of Wine Archeologists in Rome have stumbled on a large marble head of Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, the ancient Roman god of wine, dance and fertility. The discovery was made during excavations in the heart of the city, near the remains of the ancient Roman Forum. The head would have belonged to a large statue of the god dating back to the imperial era.   May 27 In a previous post entitled Marijuana Legalization [1], I wrote: Quietly and almost surreptitiously, the April New Moon theme Subjugation or Freedom: Breaking Free   is beginning to be completely visible at the Full Moon of April 19. How is that? At Washington DC, the Full Moon Grand Cross aligns with the meridian. The Pluto-Saturn-Ketu square to Eris is specifically characteristic of endings—discarding antiquated   bureaucratic beliefs, systems and structures. As is character...

EU elections: Power blocs lose grip on Parliament

Andromeda and Cetus The big centre-right and centre-left blocs in the European Parliament have lost their combined majority amid an increase in support for liberals, Greens and nationalists. The centre-right European People's Party remains the largest bloc, and is expected to form a pro-EU coalition. The Liberals and Greens had a good night, while nationalists were set for victory in Italy and France. Turnout was the highest for 20 years. Nick Fiorenza, one of the foremost astrologers of our times, writes a monthly blogpost. In his May 2019 blogpost entitled The Snapping Jaws of the Techno-bureaucratic: Monster of Collective Human Consciousness, he writes: The current   May 4, 2019 New Moon lies over the head of Cetus in sidereal Aries. Conjoining stars include Menkar, the snapping jaws of Cetus, the techno-bureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness and   Almach, the foot of Andromeda. Almac...

Saturn-Pluto and the eruption of Mount Agung

A massive volcano eruption spewed a giant ash mushroom cloud into the sky on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali, local officials reported Friday, causing flight cancellations to and from the island and diverting flights over the area to nearby Australia, but thankfully didn't result in any known casualties. Mount Agung volcano was described by Reuters as shooting lava and and hail of rocks at a distance of about 2 miles. In astrology, an essential   quality of Saturn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of extreme hardship or austerity. Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost, just as Kronos ate his children to avoid being deposed. On the other hand, Pluto, the God of the underworld, aims to reveal all that is   repressed. A struggle between Saturn-Pluto c...

Solar Eclipse ends Theresa May’s rule

Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister. In an emotional statement, she said she had done her best to deliver Brexit and it was a matter of "deep regret" that she had been unable to do so. Being prime minister had been the "honour of my life", she said. Mrs May said she would continue to serve as PM while a Conservative leadership contest takes place. May 24 In a previous blogpost [1] dt. July 9, 2018, I wrote: The UK chart says it all. Notice that Pluto has been transiting opposite the Moon in the 10th.   Pluto transit always threaten the very existence of an individual or an entity. It demands a death or renewal. The 10th house stands for the PM and the Moon here can refer to a female PM. The Pluto transit in the 4th can indicate a power struggle with those who are opposed to Theresa May. The upcoming solar eclipse ...

Symbolic meaning of the total Solar Eclipse of July 2

Some of the world's biggest footwear firms are urging Donald Trump to end the US trade war with China, warning of a "catastrophic" effect on consumers. In a letter signed by 170 companies, including Nike and Adidas, they said the President's decision to lift import tariffs to 25% will disproportionately impact the working class. They also warn that higher levies threaten the future of some businesses. May 22; Astrologers regard eclipses as powerful turning points especially if they occur within +/- 6 degrees of a sensitive point. The upcoming solar eclipse[10cn]  of July 2 (already active) falls within just three degrees of the US Sibly Sun [13cn] placed in the 8 th house which rules trade and financial relationship with other countries.  Moreover the eclipse is conjunct the stars xi (ξ) Gemini, Alzirr  and gamma (γ) Gemini, Alhena in the feet of the Twins (and by association to shoes!). The feet have a long...

Volodymyr Zelensky – A “no war” President

Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky announced a snap parliamentary election during his swearing-in as Ukraine's new president. The election was expected to take place in October 2019. But at the ceremony in Kiev Mr Zelensky said "I am dissolving the Verkhovna Rada (parliament)". He said ending the conflict with Russian-backed rebels in the east would be his top priority. May 20 Eclipses continue to affect events long after they are gone and   tend to bring about endings and new beginnings.   This is particularly true in places where they fall prominently on the horizon or meridian axes.   The Partial   Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 fell on   the meridian at Kiev. In his blogpost on the August 11, 2018 New Moon entitled Head of the Lion - Leaving the Boundaries of Known Self,   Nick Fiorenza wrote: This eclipse lunar cycle impels a quest to break free from the confines imposed by the tradi...

Israel: False Flag to Justify Military Aggression

A dangerous flashpoint has emerged in world politics at the moment. There is widespread fear that the United States and its allies might launch a military operation against Iran at any time. A US aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers are already deployed in the region. The alleged sabotage of four oil tankers, two of them Saudi, and the attack on a major oil pipeline are being linked in certain circles without an iota of evidence to Tehran. There is no need to repeat that scenarios of this sort are often manufactured to justify military aggression. A chart drawn for the Full Moon of May 18 at Tel-Aviv has it placed very significantly on the meridian thus appears to suggest Israel’s involvement. In addition, the Full Moon is conjunct   John Bolton’s   natal Sun   at [28 Scorpio] making him a likely co-conspirator. Moreover, the Sun-Moon midpoint aligns with the midpoint of the TNPs Hades and Zeus. Sun/Moon = 27leo 38 = Hades/Zeus = 28le24 Martha Wescot...

Mars in Cancer: US Accidentally Kills 17 Afghan Police

Ares (Mars) - Greek God of War US airstrikes killed 17 Afghan police officers and wounded 14 others due to a "miscommunication" while fighting with Taliban forces, according to Stars and Stripes, citing Afghan officials.   May 18 The planet Mars has traditionally been related to warriors or soldiers. On May 16, Mars   ingressed into the sign of Cancer and already we are seeing many events in the headlines related to the archetypal qualities of the God of War. While the event is worldwide in scope, those places where it appears on the horizon or meridian (angles) are the ones most affected. The "friendly fire" incident   took place in Lashkar Gah , the capital of Afghanistan's southern Helmand province. The Cancer Ingress chart of Mars drawn for Lashkar Gah has it placed exactly on the Ascendant with the TNP Hades and opposite Jupiter.  In her book, The Orders of Light , Martha Wescott interprets Hades-Mars as un...

Taiwan legalizes gay marriage

Roman fresco wall painting of the divine lovers Venus and Mars, from Pompeii Taiwan's parliament has become the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday. In 2017, the island's constitutional court ruled that same-sex couples had the right to legally marry. Parliament was given a two-year deadline and was required to pass the changes by 24 May. May 17 The news from of the legalization of same-sex marriage comes just as the Moon is reaching its fullness on May 19. At Taipei, the Full Moon is very significantly placed on the horizon axis implying that its message would be revealed strongly at this place. Moreover, the Full Moon aligns with the prominent VENUS-MARS opposition in the national chart of Taiwan ( Jan.1, 1912; 0:00 hrs). Astrologers recognize Venus-Mars to be associated with sex. Sex has two basic aspects: procreative and non-procreative or social. The former corre...

John Bolton and the constellation Centaurus

“Man has always lived with a myth, and we think we are able to be born today and to live in no myth, without history.  That is a disease.” – Carl Jung Journalist Whitney Webb recently tweeted a 2010 video clip I’d never seen before featuring US National Security Advisor John Bolton defending the use of deception in advancing military agendas, which highlights something we should all be paying attention to as Trump administration foreign policy becomes increasingly Boltonized. Bolton has been called a "war hawk" and is an advocate for regime change in Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen and North Korea and repeatedly called for the termination of the Iran nuclear deal. He was an early supporter of the Iraq War and continues to back this position. He has continuously supported military action and regime change in Syria, Libya, and Iran. Of late   John Bolton is expandi...

Building collapse in Shanghai

Nine people were trapped after an automotive dealership building collapsed in Shanghai on Thursday (May 16) as it was undergoing renovation, Chinese authorities said. Rescue personnel managed to pull 11 others to safety. The accident occurred around 11.30am in an area of central Shanghai, the fire rescue bureau of China's Ministry of Emergency Management said on its verified social media account. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the   four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. The ingress ruling the current quarter is the Aries ingress of March 21, 2019. A chart for drawn for the Aries ingress at Shanghai is presented here. Notice that the Sun is placed on the Ascendant opposite the Moon on the descendant. The Moon [27vi] is conjunct the star Benetnash Eta (η) Ursa Major,   a brilliant white star on the tail of t...

The US – China Synastry

Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. A simple synastry would be a comparison of the charts of two individuals drawn in the tropical zodiac. Going one step further one can compare the draconic chart of one individual with the tropical chart of the other. The word ‘Draconic’ derives from the latin word meaning ‘like a dragon’.   In astrology, North Node is   referred to as the ‘Dragon’s head’ and the South Node   as the ‘Dragon’s tail.   The Draconic Chart is the same as the natal chart but it uses the so-called draconic zodiac instead of a tropical or sidereal zodiac. The draconic chart places 0° Aries on the Moon's Node. In this post, we will compare China’s draconic chart with the tropical US Sibly and see how much it reveals about the trade war. Notice that with China’s draconic Ascendant at [14cp], the US Sibly Sun [13cn] aligns with the Desc...

Astrology of the US-Iran tension

If any one should wish to get the world for himself, and to effect this by what he does, I see that he will not succeed. The world is a spirit-like thing, and cannot be got by active doing. Tao Te Ching Just as everyone with half a frontal lobe had expected, the WSJ reported late on Monday that according to an initial U.S. assessment, "Iran was likely behind the attack" on the two Saudi Arabian oil tankers and two other vessels damaged over the weekend near the Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. official said, a finding that, whether confirmed or not, will certainly inflame military tensions in the Gulf and likely result in a global proxy war that drags in the US, China and Russia. Oh, and that would be the Persian Gulf for those wondering, not the Gulf of Tonkin, which is where another famous False Flag naval incident occurred. Astrologers regard eclipses as ma...

Pompeo pressures EU on Iran

It seems for the State Department lately it's all Iran and Venezuela all the time, or perhaps there's just an aversion to real diplomatic work. Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. At any point in time progressed interchart   aspects between two entities can bring up the issues involved in the interaction. Siby solar arc progressed draconic Sun [19sc] is conjunct EU’s tropical Mercury [19sc]   (Nov.1, 1993) which is conjunct the star Zubeneschamali [19sc]. In his post Cracking our Shells - Our Reality - Our Responsibility , about this star Nick Fiorenza [1] writes: Zubenelgenubi, the karmic seat for incarnating souls, lies upon the ecliptic. Th...

US Women For ‘Sex-Strike'

The actor Alyssa Milano ignited a social media storm with a call for women to join her in a sex strike, to protest against strict abortion laws passed by Republican-controlled state legislatures. The star of Charmed and Melrose Place urged women in her tweet to stop having sex “until we get bodily autonomy back”. May 11 The Hamburg School of Astrology, also called Uranian Astrology, a sub-variety of western astrology adds eight hypothetical trans-Neptunian planets (TNPs) to the normal ones used by western astrologers. In this post we shall see how adding the TNPs to the US Sibly helps explain the news very elegantly. Notice the conjunction of Kronos-Cupido-Pluto in the 2 nd house of the Sibly. The TNP Kronos is about laws, while Cupido deals with issues connected to family. The planet Pluto refers to attempts at control. When put together it is clearly referring to laws that attempt to control issues connected to family. As the news rea...