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Showing posts from January, 2024

Pakistan election and the horoscope of Nawaz Sharif

Pakistan will hold parliamentary elections on February 8, 2024. They will take place after a protracted crisis stemming from the impeachment of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (spring 2023) and his subsequent arrest on dubious charges. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, convicted of corruption, returned from London and resumed leadership of the “Muslim League-N”. The letter N stands for his name, as the party split in the 1990s and their leaders’ names were used to distinguish two factions.  The military allowed Sharif to return to the country, and the court acquitted him of charges, permitting him to run for election. This suggests that an agreement was reached regarding his future political career.     In this post, we look at the horoscope of Nawaz Sharif [1]. The current major solar arc directions in his chart are:   progressed Sun [18pi19] opp. Saturn [19vi25] progressed Uranus [18v...

India plans “comprehensive” rehabilitation for urban poor

  Five of Pentacles India has identified 30 cities that it wants to make “free of beggary” by 2026, the Times of India reported on Monday. The rehabilitation program, aimed at those begging in the streets, will be undertaken as part of the country’s Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprises (SMILE) scheme. Jan. 29     The Sun recently formed a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius and then moved to square Jupiter in Taurus. A chart for the exact Sun-Jupiter square at Delhi has the square significantly placed on the angles. The Aquarius Water Bearer is a symbol of humanitarian urges and social groups consecrated to reform.   Jupiter is in the first face of Taurus associated with the Five of Pentacles card illustrated above by Pamela Colman Smith. Light from the church window and beggars outside in the cold speak of a need for charitable societal services that c...

Tucker OUTS Trudeau as Castro's SON

      Presented here is Justin Trudeau’s horoscope. For a start we will focus on the Saturn-Neptune opposition (10 th to 4 th ) squaring the horizon axis.   The 4 th house is traditionally associated with roots, home and family background. More specifically, many astrologers relate the 4 th house to the father. With Neptune in the 4 th house there is some secrecy or mystery about the father.   The asteroid Atlantis [19cp] makes hard aspect to Neptune [4sa]   Atlantis/Neptune Private information (Atlantis) is leaked (Neptune)   So why are we focussing on Trudeau’s Saturn-Neptune opposition. Well for one thing transit Saturn is on the descendant completing a T-square with the Saturn-Neptune opposition.   The following extract from a previous post Saturn-Neptune:The unveiling of lies [2] explains the dynamics:   Saturn and Neptune has been and continues to be about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under...

Jupiter-Pluto Full Moon: US Considers Syria, Iraq Withdrawal

  Neocon heads (like the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister’s) are exploding with the news this week that the Biden Administration may be considering withdrawing from its illegal occupations in both Syria and Iraq. Jan.27     Many news items, like the one above, can be simply explained by the monthly lunation charts drawn for a country’s capital. Here is the chart for the Full Moon of Jan. 25 at Washington where it falls very significantly on the meridian completing a T-square with Jupiter-Pluto.   Steven Forrest describes the hard aspects between Jupiter-Pluto as below:   Jupiter-Pluto   Under hard aspects between Pluto and Jupiter, faith is embattled. Perhaps someone has gone down a road for the wrong reasons…Comforting but phony elements of your life must be released and new possibilities seized under less than auspicious circumstances. ...

Battle brews over migrants

  Migrants on the move A coalition of red states has rallied around Texas, after Governor Greg Abbott invoked the state's constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an 'invasion.' Jan.26   The news above comes to us just as the US Sibly progressed solar return brings the combination Saturn (Pisces)-Admetus(Gemini)-Apollon(Scorpio) to an aspect with the Ascendamt.   Pisces has a lot of heartfelt feelings for the world and all its struggling inhabitants. It wants to provide food and shelter for all of them. That way nobody gets left out in the cold. Saturn typically fights such connectiveness for fear that nothing definable and recognizable will remain.  Saturn, the planet of boundaries, can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity.  The TNP Admetus, among other things, is “shunning, avoidance and isolation”...

Saudi Arabia opens first liquor store

  Bacchus (Dionysus) - the god of wine Saudi Arabia has opened its first liquor store in over 70 years, several news outlets reported on Wednesday, citing diplomats. The store is reportedly located in the Diplomatic Quarter in the capital of Riyadh.   National charts are a treasure house of information. When properly studied, transits, progressions, solar returns etc can provide startling information. Presented here is the current solar return for Saudi Arabia’s national chart [1] and its progression to Jan. 24, the date of the news.     As always, aspects to the angles are the ones to concentrate on. Here a Saturn-Admetus square straddles the horizon and the progression of the angles brings Saturn to a conjunction with the MC on Jan.24.   Saturn, the planet we associate with control of our boundaries, can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. However in Pisces, Saturn is asked to ...

India’s biggest dance conclave in Chennai

  Pegasus inspired muses of music and dance For 40 years, the annual Natya Kala Conference hosted at the Krishna Gana Sabha in Chennai has been the most exalted platform for classical dancers to present their tradition through words and choreography. A few days ago (December 26 to December 30), however, the five-day conference – India’s first and biggest dance conclave – shed its rarified air to walk into the heat and dust of the real world. Working with the title TranscenDance, it engaged with subjects like social justice, gender violence, disability, migration, ageing, motherhood and even the Gaza crisis through choreographies, workshops and lecture demonstrations. Jan.6     The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers rout...

Boris Johnson Bombshell: “Trump Could Be What World Needs”

  The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos-Switzerland concluded its annual meeting yesterday. Western elites attending were stunned after former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson dropped his bombshell open letter “The Global Wokerati Are Trembling So Violently You Can Hear The Ice Tinkingly In Their Negrois—But A Trump Presidency Could Be Just What The World Needs” on all of them, wherein he proclaimed and assessed:   With the shriek of elderly beldames leaping on the piano stool after spying a mouse in their ­petticoats, the Western liberal ­intelligentsia has finally ­spotted the likely result of this November’s U.S. presidential elections. Jan. 20       In my last last post [1], I wrote:   ...this news is a manifestation of the October Solar Eclipse in Libra which was conjunct the South Node -“ the Tail of the Dragon, the headless body, the lunar place of purification and release....

Solar Eclipse and Emmanuel Todd’s "The Defeat of the West"

    Annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023     Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia - a heir to those like Braudel, Sartre, Deleuze and Foucault who dazzled successive young Cold War generations from the West down to the East. The first nugget concerning his latest book, La Défaite de L'Occident ("The Defeat of the West") is the minor miracle of actually being published last week (Jan.10) in France, right within the NATO sphere: a hand grenade of a book, by an independent thinker, based on facts and verified data, blowing up the whole Russophobia edifice erected around the "aggression" by "Tsar" Putin.   In this post we shall see how this news is a manifestation of the October Solar Eclipse in Libra which was conjunct the South N...

Some manifestations of the October solar eclipse

    The discovery of a second ultra-large structure in the remote universe has further challenged some of the basic assumptions about cosmology.  The Big Ring in the Sky is 9.2 billion light-years from Earth. It has a diameter of about 1.3 billion light-years, and a circumference of about 4 billion light-years. If we could step outside and see it directly, the diameter of the Big Ring would need about 15 full moons to cover it. "The Big Ring and Giant Arc are the same distance from us, near the constellation of Boötes the Herdsman, meaning they existed at the same cosmic time when the universe was only half of its present age" commented Alexia. "They are also in the same region of sky, at only 12 degrees apart when observing the night sky. Jan 15.   While eclipses are worldwide in their effect, they are especially significant for places where they aspect the angles. The Oct.14 solar eclipse chart for Preston, Lancashire, where Univer...

NBC News Admits 'Deep State' Exists

  The last time Donald Trump got within striking distance of the Oval Office in 2016, the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration, and various foreign accomplices invented a hoax accusing the real estate tycoon of being a secret Russian agent, who would use the power of the United States to do Vladimir Putin's bidding.....McCord is back with a new hoax to peddle, telling NBC News that the Deep State is preparing for Trump's return - and is taking action to limit his ability to 'become a dictator' and use the military to those ends.       National charts are a treasure house of information. Transits and progressions in the charts can explain news that would otherwise be difficult to understand. Presented here is the US national chart - the Sibly.   In the last couple of years, the US Sibly has been going through a Pluto return.   In her post, Pluto and the US Chart...

Sibly lunar return and the US war on Yemen

    The Thursday night US and UK-led major strikes on Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, while posing a significant risk for escalating the Gaza war into a regional conflict, still apparently have not deterred the Iran-backed rebel group's resolve to attack Red Sea shipping and even Western naval vessels.   Houthi spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree released a videotaped address saying "The American and British enemy bears full responsibility for its criminal aggression against our Yemeni people, and it will not go unanswered and unpunished." Houthi sources have tallied over 70 strikes across five regions of Yemen, indicating that at least five people died in the attacks. The Pentagon indicated over 100 missiles of a variety of types were used.       A lunar return is a chart that is cast for the moment the moon returns back to the exact position it was in at the time of birth. Considering the moon is the fastest moving planet,...

Swans found dead in Kazakhstan at New Moon

  Hundreds of swans have been found dead at a nature reserve in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan, environmental officials said Tuesday. The nature reserve is based around Lake Karakol, near the shores of the Caspian Sea, and is home to a variety of rare and endangered species. Jan. 10   The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. As always aspects to the angles are the most important. Presented here is the chart for the New Moon of Jan. 11 drawn for the co-ordinates of Lake Karakol. One can immediately see that the New Moon is placed on the descendant and therefore significant for the place. Moreover, the New Moon is conjunct Pluto and square the nodes. Regular readers will be aware that Sun square nodes is a phenomenon known as “Moon Wobble”.   Moon Wobbles were discov...

Fire razes ex-PM Tanaka’s home at Mars’ Capricorn ingress.

      A fire has razed the Tokyo home where late Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei used to live. The blaze broke out in the Bunkyo Ward residence Monday afternoon. More than 20 fire engines were deployed in response.     Astrologers routinely draw charts for monthly lunations, planetary ingresses, exact planetary aspects etc to understand how they affect events at any place. As always planetary combinations brought to the angles in these charts (horizon and meridian) are the ones that are most influential. Presented here is the chart for the Jan.4 ingress of Mars into Capricorn at Tokyo. Our attention is immediately drawn to a powerful Grand Cross straddling the angles.   The Sun squares the nodal axis - a phenomenon referred to as a Moon Wobble.   During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in mo...

Lunar eclipse gives clues into Roman Empire's transition from paganism to Christianity

  Douglas Boin, Ph.D., a professor of history at Saint Louis University, made a major announcement at the annual meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, (Jan.6; Chicago, Illinois) revealing he and his team discovered an ancient Roman temple that adds significant insights into the social change from pagan gods to Christianity within the Roman Empire.     The effect of eclipses can be felt long after their actual occurrence especially in places where they aspect the angles. The May 5 lunar eclipse fell on the meridian at Chicago and square the meridian at Assisi (near Spello-the discovery site).   The watery sign of Scorpio has a dissolving effect upon the places where we have held onto fixed perspectives. Since the Moon is conjunct the TNP Poseidon (religion)[1] and the South Node (past), its oppositio...

Astrology of the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea

  Perseus saves Andromeda The Houthis began their attacks in the Red Sea after Israel began to bombard Gaza in response to the massive Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7. that killed 1,200.     We cannot hope to understand the magnitude of the challenge astrology presents to the accepted view of the universe without learning a little of its symbolic language. For astrologers Saturn stands for obstructions and delays so that when it is placed in Pisces, the zodiacal sign associated with the sea or ocean, it can give rise to obstructions or delays to ships and sea lanes.   Here is Israel’s[1] current solar return chart. Notice the Saturn (in Pisces) square Admetus (in Gemini) straddling the horizon axis. The TNP Admetus which apart from obstructions and delays also rules inventory is placed in Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury, the god of trade and commerce. So putting the piec...

Bill Clinton named in Epstein files

    Former US President Bill Clinton will be identified as “John Doe 36” in a trove of court documents concerning deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, ABC News has reported. Clinton’s relationship with the child molester came under intense scrutiny after Epstein’s arrest in 2019.       In his second book, The Changing Sky, Steven Forrest presented a model for sorting through the many possible planetary configurations that present themselves in a transits and progressions reading. This system, termed "The Four Nets, " is applied to the jungle of astrological symbolism, each net catching creatures in descending orders of size. In the First Net, we see all the astrological biggies—major transits and directions to and from the Sun, Moon and Ascendant for example. By the time we get to the Third or Fourth Nets, we are looking at events we might safely ignore —unless the earlier Nets have come...